Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

Halloween comes early here in PA. Trick-or-Treat night is always the Thursday before Halloween. It was lots of chaos last night so we just barely got some pictures in.

This is our little Boo and Mike Wazowski. I don't think that most people got it, but we thought it was a fun idea.

Lucy showing her love for Maxwell. She even stopped in the middle of gathering all her loot to give Maxwell some kisses.

Maxwell deserves the best trooper award. This is at about 8:30 at night, he had been up since 1:30 in the afternoon. But he continued to be happy.He even managed to master a new skill through all his tiredness. He learned how to stand up in his crib.

1 comment:

  1. I miss these darlings, and can hardly wait for our week together! Their costumes are adorable. XOXO
