Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Maxwell Turns 2!!

Our little guy turned 2 last week. Wow! How time flies.  Maxwell has been such a wonderful addition to our family. Here are some fun things about him:

Nicknames: Max, Maximus, Little Monster, Gummi Bear, Munchkin

Age: 2

Favorite color(s): Lucy would say Blue, I don't think he has a preference

Favorite Song(s): ABC's the only thing he usually catches is ME at the end, The Wheels on the Bus (especially the BEEP!BEEP!)

Favorite Movies: Toy Story 1&3, Cars

Favorite TV Shows: Thomas the Train, Sesame Street, that is when his sister allows him to pick the show they watch

Favorite Food: Pretzels, Yogurt Raisins, Juice, Fries, Pasta and Rice

Favorite Game(s): Peek-a-Boo, Tag or his way run away and have pregnant mommy chase him down, Running around in circles, he could do this FOREVER. Race, he will bend over, put his arms back and wait for you to say "On your mark, get set, go!"

Favorite Toy(s): Shake-n-Go Thomas the Train which he got for his birthday. He even took Thomas to bed with him a few times. Big Fire Truck, Planes and Trains....basically anything with wheels on it

Favorite Activities: Being outside, its a tantrum everytime we try to come inside, bathtime. He has even taken to having showers with Daddy in the morning, anything to be in the water.  Going to the park

Favorite thing to do with Dad: Wrestling, snuggling with Daddy when he comes home

Favorite thing to do with Mom: Read books....not much else. He really prefers playing with his Daddy.

Biggest Accomplishments: He just learned how to jump the other day and he practises it all the time and is so proud of himself.

Talents: Making everyone smile, running away really fast, blowing kisses

Most Endearing Qualities: Although not a quality, his shaggy hair is very endearing. He is very sweet, he is always willing to share with his sister. Polite, he almost always says his "please" and "thank you".

Worst Qualities: Lack of words, especially "yes" he answers "no" to everything. He also can throw a mighty good tantrum and very stubborn. There isn't much that will change his mind once he gets a idea.

Goals for next year: Learn to use more words, move to a big boy bed and potty training

Quotes: "Love you", "Here you go", "Ready"....his latest addition to his vocabulary is when he puts a little finger to his mouth, purses his lips and says "Hmmm"...when he is trying to decide what he wants.

Current Stats: We haven't had his 2 year check up yet but when he was sick a couple weeks ago they did weigh him. He weighs in at  31 lbs.

We sure love this crazy little man. Happy Birthday Max!!

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