Monday, September 12, 2011


Maxwell recently learned to smile and say cheese for the camera. So here are some of his smiles to make you smile. He sure makes us smile.

So long Summer

Summer came and went and we had a lot of fun. We filled our summer with lots of trips to the park, swimming in the backyard, a trip to Utah/Yellowstone and a few natural disasters.

Besides our trip to to see family the highlight of the summer was our trip to the beach. We had perfect weather and great company as our friends the Rusten's joined us. We all squished into a little 2 bedroom apartment and we all got along surprisingly well.

Here are a few pictures to highlight our trip:

Ice cream on the boardwalk. We were lucky to find a place that was a block and a half from the boardwalk and beach. This meant we could walk to the beach whenever we wanted.

                                                               Ready for some sun

The kids loved splashing in the waves. Someone always had to have a hand on them as the current was very strong and would have washed them all away.

I wanted to include this picture because you can see little Maxwell's hand is all wrapped up. A few days before we left for the beach he touched the lawn mower exhaust after Daddy was done mowing the lawn. He burned his pointer and middle finger, which then blistered. They then burst and became open sores. We tried to keep it wrapped up while we were at the beach. But it was hard to keep it clean when he spent most of the time digging in the sand.

This is Lucy and Teagan playing in the water with their daddies. Lucy and Teagen were great little friends. One day we were trudging through the sand loaded down with all our stuff and Lucy was moving in her slow mode. That is until she heard Teagen yell her name, then she raced across the sand to find her Teagen.

Snack Time

Maxwell LOVES his trucks, cars, trains anything that moves. Also, his snack time at the beach usually included stuffing sand in his mouth.

The dads got to relive their bachelor days and spent some time surfing.

The kids thought the surf boards were great for bouncing on.

A bike ride along the boardwalk. What Lucy remembers most is eating a pink sprinkled doughnut.

We also ate some DELICIOUS seafood outside along the pier, went for a cruise through the bay and ocean. On our cruise we even got to see some dolphins. It was such an awesome trip we couldn't believe that in the 4 years we have been married we have never been to play at the beach.