Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Campers

We went camping this past weekend to the PA Grand Canyon. It was a real adventure and we all had a wonderful time. Here are some of the highlights from our trip.

This is Lucy passing the time on the drive up. We were very limited on room in our car so Lucy was nice and squished back there.

This is how Lucy and Daddy settled into our campsite. Chad is checking his email and Lucy is watching a movie on my iPhone.

Our campsite had lots of fun activities.

A ride on a fire truck with Smokey the Bear.

Also our tent site was right beside this little creek. Lucy could have spent all day there just throwing rocks into the water. Another activity they had was a Rubber Duck race down the creek.

We also went to a zoo that was nearby. This was a zoo where you could feed almost all the animals. There was tons of goats, sheep, deer and lots of other animals. So we bought a bag of feed for Lucy and taught her how to put her hand out to feed the animals. She was a little nervous at first. However, it didn't take long until she refused to have Chad help her at all.

And here is Lucy chatting to the pig.

We also of course went on a hike to go and see the PA Grand Canyon. This was the last day of our trip and Lucy was extremely wiped out. She hadn't had a full nap all weekend and didn't sleep well through the night either. So Chad ended up carrying her most of the way.

We also climbed to the top of a tower to get the whole spectacular view.

And of course here is how our littlest camper felt about the trip. He did so well all weekend, he even slept through most of the night.